How to save time by aligning your calendar with your commitments

“Show me your calendar and your bank account, and I’ll tell you what you’re committed to.”

Energy is a resource that comes in a number of forms, the most common being time, attention, and money. In the ebb and flow of seasons, we can find ourselves feeling limited in our energy and scarce in our distribution of it. 

“I’m too busy.”
“There isn’t enough time.”
“I don’t know how I’ll fit it on the calendar.”

Being unaware of the depletion of our energy can lead us to a dangerous place, and is a sure path to burnout. We find ourselves overworking, overpromising, and overwhelmed. In other words, we have overcommitted ourselves in our work and our lives, leading us to rush, to cancel, to reschedule, and a perpetual energy drain… 

So, what is your calendar and bank account telling you? 

While I don’t know who to credit with the above statement, I applaud them for the direct and honest way they are calling us out. When you get real about where your energy is going, where you are placing your time, attention and money, it shines a light on the choices you are making and as a result, the reality that you are creating. When we are constantly in a rush and running out of time, our decisions come from a place of scarcity, of lack, and of fear. This sense of urgency is a result of overcommitment leading to an overuse of energy or in other words a waste of it: a waste of time, a waste of attention, a waste of money. 

If you want to stop wasting time, for the love of all good things stop overcommitting.

Overcommitment is simply a lack of clarity on your priorities. If you are aligned on your priorities, you are clear on what you are committed to. When you are clear on what you’re committed to, you know where to focus your time, attention, and money (and all other forms of energy). You know what to say yes to, and what to say no to.

After all, saying yes to something is saying no to something else.

And when we overbook our calendar, our time, our space, it distracts us from our priorities and drains our energy. We’re rushed to make decisions that leave us feeling off and out of alignment..  

Overcommitting not only contributes to a busy schedule that requires a large output of energy, it also creates a need for more energy in your headspace, your mind, as you navigate the winding road ahead. Before long, you realize you need to make a different choice and you fall into the trap of reshuffling, rescheduling, and canceling commitments - and subsequently, another energy suck. Avoid the time trap of the reschedule loop by being committed in the first place, whether that’s a yes to showing up, or no.

Consistently making changes in your calendar can leave you stuck and stagnant - a clear indication that it may be time to re-prioritize and recommit. Audit your calendar and your bank account to see where you’re spending your energy.

Get real and be honest with yourself:

Is it easier to cancel that try something new and unfamiliar? Is this a priority or something you think you should do? Are you cramming your calendar as a means to avoid something else in your life…? 

Know where you stand:

Take the time to reset on what’s most important to you. When you’re clear on your priorities and your commitments, others will be too. Notice how others start showing up (and stop canceling) when you do the same… 

The next time you find time (and your calendar) working against you, ask yourself:

What am I committed to?

Get into alignment with your priorities and start committing from there.

Kirsten Schmidtke is a professional coach, speaker, and lover of lake life. She works with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs to help them up-level their careers, businesses, and lives. Are you ready to explore what’s possible for you? Contact Kirsten to start the conversation!


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